10 Ways to Improve Your Portrait Photography Now

  • Sunday, November 7, 2010
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  • An exceptional portrait will evoke emotion and will be treasured by its owner for a lifetime. As a portrait photographer, your work will be displayed in someone's home for many years to come. Keep the following tips in mind and watch your portrait photography (and your photography business) improve!

    1. Keep it simple

    Whether shooting in the studio or outdoors, try to keep props and backgrounds as simple as possible. They should be used to enhance and not detract from the subject. This means a solid colored background (I like black or white best) in the studio, and a nice subdued background if outdoors (make sure to watch for cars, buildings, and other people that might show up in your portrait when shooting outdoors).

    2. Don't be afraid of close-ups

    Remember to move in for your close up shots! Moms love a close up of their beautiful baby's face! Don't worry about facial blemishes being too pronounced (that's why you have Photoshop, right?)

    3. Don't always go for the smile

    Smiles are nice and you should always try to get some genuine smile shots. However, some of the nicest portraits have a more serious tone where a smile is not necessary. Try to get a range of expressions from your subject.

    4. Get good catch lights

    Catch lights are those little reflections you see in the eyes. Miss them and your subject will look lifeless. They are pretty easy to capture in the studio, but not so much when shooting outdoors. Bring a reflector along to outdoor shoots and make those eyes light up!

    5. Use natural light or try to mimic natural light

    Natural light in early morning or late afternoon (right before sunset) provides the most beautiful lighting for outdoor portraits. If you are shooting in the studio, you can get nice diffused light from a soft box.

    6. Take numerous shots in one session

    Don't limit yourself to a certain number of shots. Take as many as you can. Remember, you don't have to show all of them to the client. It's like the lottery...the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have of winning. So, the more shots you take, the better the likelihood that you will get some really great ones!

    7. Stick to solid colors

    Make sure to tell your clients to wear bright, solid colors. If you are doing a group portrait, some really like the look of everyone in the same color. Busy patterns on clothing are just too distracting.

    8. Focus on relationships

    When doing a group family portrait, remember that you don't always have to have everyone looking at the camera. Have them interact with each other and capture the feeling of those special relationships.

    9. Get those heads close together

    For family portraits, when you do have everyone looking at the camera, it is best to get heads close together...even touching in some situations. Everyone should be touching or nearly touching.

    10. Watch your cropping

    Finally, be careful when composing the shot in your camera. Leave a little extra room for cropping. You definitely do not want to cut off someone's hand, foot, etc.

    Cindy Bracken is the founder of http://www.shuttermom.com, an online community for photographers of all levels of experience. Stop by to create a free blog, enter the photo contest, join in the discussion forums and more!

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